Esra Schuiling-Kayihan

Esra is a health care psychologist, cognitive behavioral therapist and senior schemafocused therapist. She has years of experience in treating panic disorder, social anxiety, trauma, depression and burnout at HSK. She subsequently worked at NPI as a schemafocused therapist with clients with personality problems.

Esra’s treatments are tailor-made and are characterized by a holistic approach, consisting of a combination of treatment techniques, including cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR and schemafocused therapy.

 Therapy can take place both in her practice and online or be a combination of both.

Treatment days for Psyche and Pregnancy:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (online is also possible in the evening).

Contracts with all health insurers.

This runs through the Foundation 1np of the Parnassia groep. More info at

Schippersgracht 1-3
1011 TR Amsterdam