Rates and insurers

From 2025, no insurer will offer a reimbursement policy. This means that it is no longer possible  to receive 100% reimbursement for treatment in Basic Mental Health Care (Basis GGZ / BGGZ)

This overview shows which insurer will be reimburses in 2025. On our website you can see which contracts our psychologists have. For treatment in the BGGZ a deductible must be paid.

Please note: if reimbursement is important to you, always check your conditions or ask your insures what is reimbursed in the BGGZ.

Usually 5 to 10 sessions are sufficient. Sometimes the process can be even shorter and sometimes it is necessary to continue the conversations a little longer. The frequency of the conversations also differs from person to person. After the intake, the psychologist will discuss with you approximately how many sessions you will need.

NZa-rates 2025 gz-psychologist (maximum)
Prestatiecode Consultation Type Duration Rate
CO0562 Diagnostics 60 190,88
CO0692 Diagnostics 75 232,71
CO0822 Diagnostics 90 285,28
CO0952 Diagnostics 120 395,59
CO0627 Therapy 60 168,94
CO0757 Therapy 75 207,96
CO0887 Therapy 90 254,06
CO1017 Therapy 120 361,79
OV0007 Peer consultation short > 5 30,99
OV0008 Peer consultation long > 15 89,24
OV0012 Consultation non-basic package care 138,15
T C0009 Travel time till 25 min 36,46
T C0010 Travel time from 25 min 93,85
  Group therapy Duration Rate
GC0110 6 attendees 15 12,09
GC0118 7 attendees 15 10,36
GC0126 8 attendees 15 9,07
GC0134 9 attendees 15 8,06
GC0142 10 attendees 15 7,25

Psyche en Zwangerschap is not a treatment institution but a referral and knowledge center. All psychologists affiliated with Psyche en Zwangerschap are independent GZ psychologists.

See also: https://www.zorgwijzer.nl/vergoeding/psychologie


This information has been compiled with the utmost care and attention; Psyche en Zwangerschap is however liable neither for any errors nor any ambiguities.