Sascha van Ede – Boes

Sascha van Ede is 53 years old and has been working as a GZ-Psychologist since 2005. She has gained experience in various workplaces in the (basic) mental health care. In recent years she has worked with parents of young children.

In the treatments, attention is paid to the different -and changing- roles of partners and (becoming) parents at the arrival of their child. And the expectations, emotions and cognitions that may accompany this.  Sascha thinks it is important to listen to the story of the person seeking help and then together make a choice where the treatment will focus on. The partner can also be involved in this process.

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Romy Damhuis

Romy has been working as a GZ-psychologist since 2021. For Romy, working at Psyche en Zwangerschap is a real opportunity to combine her background as an orthopedagoog (medical pedagogist), her vision on healthcare and her own experience in (young) parenthood. She has worked with people with depression and anxiety symptoms, trauma, burnout, people with low and high intelligence and people who experience problems in contact with themselves and others.

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